Board Members’ Duties

What does being on the Paths for People board look like?

Paths for People is an entirely volunteer-run organization. This means that our board members are the ones putting together everything you see us do – like social media posts, advocacy blog posts, speaking to council, running events, and all the work that keeps us moving behind the scenes.

Currently, our work exists primarily in the advocacy space. This means that we work heavily with our local municipal government and council to push projects forward. Most of the day-to-day work is administrative, with writing and communication skills being a necessity.

Tasks you can expect to contribute to as a board member may include:

  • writing advocacy blogs and newsletters
  • developing social media content
  • sourcing sponsorship or fundraising opportunities
  • planning small-scale events
  • attending Paths for People and community events (we do a lot of tabling!)
  • liaising with City Council/City Administration to push projects forward
  • working with external stakeholders to support additional projects (e.g., Downtown Pedestrianization)
  • acting and contributing as a stakeholder on city projects
  • speaking at City Council or Committee meetings
  • speaking to media
  • developing letter-writing campaigns
  • attending board and internal committees meetings
  • supporting administrative board work, such as updating our website, approving our budget, amending our bylaws, etc.

Each spring, we seek individuals to:

  • commit to the work and mission of the organization
  • actively contribute to ongoing board initiatives, projects, and priorities
  • attend monthly board meetings, including the Annual General Meeting
  • serve on one or more committees focused on communications or financial planning
  • speak on behalf of Paths for People at public events, at city council and committee meetings, and with the media

Are you eager to get to work supporting the implementation of active transportation initiatives across the City of Edmonton? Consider applying! This page will be updated with further information when we are next recruiting new board members.

 General Duties:

  • approve, where appropriate, policy and other recommendations received from the Board and its committees
  • sevelop the strategic direction, programming, and advocacy of the organization
  • review the bylaws and policies and recommend changes to the membership
  • review the Board’s structure, approve changes, and prepare necessary bylaw amendments
  • support and contribute to ongoing programming and advocacy initiatives
  • participate in the development of Paths for People’s organizational plan and annual report
  • approve Paths for People’s budget
  • assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members and community to enhance Paths for People’s mission


Board members can expect to volunteer 10-15 hours/month

 Executive Positions

  • Chair (10-30 hours/month)
    • oversees the organization
    • runs board meetings
    • has a signing authority
    • is an ex-­officio member of all Committees
    • acts as primary point of contact
    • speaks on behalf of the organization
  • Vice­-Chair (10-15 hours/month)
    • supports the work of the Chair 
    • ­​presides, in the absence of the Chair, over board meetings
    • is a signing authority for the organization 
    • speaks on behalf of the organization as needed
  • Secretary (10-15 hours/month)
    • takes minutes at board meetings and files all minutes 
    • oversees record keeping and administrative correspondence of the Committee
    • ensures that the organization meets filing deadlines
    • maintains records of organization membership
    • can be a signing authority for the organization
  • Treasurer (10-15 hours/month)
    • oversees the financial matters of the organization and presents to the Board a detailed account of revenues and expenditures as requested
    • ensures an audited statement of the financial position of the Committee is prepared and presented to the Annual General Meeting
    • is a signing authority for the organization