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On November 9, 2020, Paths for People spoke to members of Edmonton City Council regarding the Community Energy Transition Strategy. This strategy is a risk management strategy designed to make Edmonton an energy sustainable city. Paths for People advocated for prioritizing the development of a robust active transportation network within this Strategy. Good afternoon. Paths…

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40 km/h default speed limit

On November 4, 2020, Paths for People wrote to City Council regarding implementing a default speed limit of 40 km/h on all residential streets and some main streets in Edmonton. Council voted in favour of moving to a 40 km/h default speed limit. Paths for People looks forward to continuing to build an Edmonton that…

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We know our cash-strapped City wants to save some money, so we have an idea: Rebuild Saskatchewan Drive between 109 Street and 104 Street for short and long term savings. This means reducing the scale of the Duggan Bridge Rehabilitation in the short term. The City plans to rehabilitate Saskatchewan Drive over the coming years,…

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We know our cash-strapped City wants to save some money, so we have an idea: Postpone the planned renewal of 105 Avenue between 109 and 116 Streets Construction is set to begin this summer and continue for the next three years. Why hit pause? The current design and project plan are deeply flawed, making the…

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After weeks of below average temperatures combined with unprecedented isolation, Edmontonians are desperate to get outside to: walk stroll roll pedal With spring in the air, people are flocking to sidewalks, multi-use paths, and residential streets of our city for some fresh air and exercise. But is Edmonton ready for this? We don’t think so.…

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Reallocating our Streets

We hope to see the City of Edmonton reallocate roadways to provide for safe active transportation for all Edmontonians during the COVID-19.

Paths for People believes all Edmontonians should have access to paths, routes, or sidewalks that provide enough space for us to be physically distant from one another.

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At the Community and Public Services Committee on February 26, the City of Edmonton has the opportunity to finally move forward on new data-driven, evidence-based speed limit regulations to help us achieve Vision Zero goals. TIME FOR THE SPEED CHANGE Paths for People has been a part of this multi-year discussion, advocating for street speeds…

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The City of Edmonton may introduce bylaw changes which could afford cyclists and drivers a safer experience on our roads. During the council meeting scheduled February 3-5 2020, Councillor Henderson is introducing a motion regarding safe passing distances between vehicles and bicycles. WHAT THE BYLAW CHANGES WILL DO These bylaw changes will further solidify provisions…

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The $10 million earmarked to fill missing sidewalk connections across Edmonton is at risk of being cut from the budget. The decision is expected on Thursday, December 5 as part of the City Council meeting for Non-Statutory Public Hearing and Budget Adjustment. WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1) SEND AN EMAIL Send a message to city…

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