Missing Links 2024

We’re bringing back our crowd-sourced Missing Links campaign!

In 2019, we ran our inaugural Missing Links campaign to identify gaps in sidewalk and bike network connections and pinch points within our city-wide active transportation system. With over 200 responses, we were able to create a comprehensive map of critical gaps in our active transportation network. We’re proud of the conversations this project amplified in our city, and our advocacy contributed significantly to the development of the City’s Missing Sidewalks program, which has allocated over $17 million to complete missing sidewalk links from 2021 to 2026. Our work also supported the city’s Vision Zero initiative, aiming to eliminate serious injuries and fatalities from vehicle collisions. 

However, there is still much work to be done to ensure all Edmontonians have safe and accessible routes. We’re relaunching the Missing Links survey to both celebrate how far we’ve come and update our map with new and persistent missing links.

Complete our new Survey

For example, do you encounter any of these issues in your daily travels:

  • A route on your walk to work that doesn’t have a sidewalk?
  • An unmarked crosswalk on your way to school?
  • A curb that is hard to roll onto as you are going to the grocery store?
  • A gap with no protected bike infrastructure on your way to your friend’s house?

If you have noticed any missing or problematic infrastructure, we want to hear from you! Your feedback will help us prioritize the most critical areas for improvement.

How to have the most Impact

  • Provide Detailed Context: Share specific details about how the missing or problematic infrastructure affects your daily life. 
  • Identify Affected Groups: Highlight who is most impacted by the gap. Is there a missing curb ramp near a seniors’ center? A non-existent sidewalk on a busy pedestrian route to school? An unmarked crosswalk en route to a local mosque? 
  • Share Personal Stories: Your experience can help illustrate the real-world impact of these missing links. How does this issue impact your ability to get around the city safely and efficiently?
  • Report Multiple Issues: You can submit the form as many times as needed. The more data we collect, the better we can prioritize and advocate for necessary changes.
  • Spread the word: Encourage your friends, family, and neighbours to participate in this survey. The more voices we have, the more powerful our impact will be.

How we’ll use your Responses

We will be using results from the survey to created an updated version of the Missing Links map. We will be working directly with City of Edmonton administration to share our findings and identify overlaps in high priority areas for investment. This includes identifying high impact, low cost areas that can be quickly implemented. As the 2025 municipal election draws near, we will be heavily pushing that this work be included as part of candidates’ platforms. During the 2026 budget deliberations, we will be fighting for adequate funding to ensure that neighbourhoods across the city can address gaps in their active transportation networks.